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Remember, too, that teen relationships on the wane frequently flicker on again.

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Allow your child to feel sad. However, blues that linger for more than a few weeks may warrant professional counseling.

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We spent every moment together. I was crushed! I moped for weeks. Another example is India where marriages are still arranged by families or trusted go-betweens. When young people are chosen for each other, it is not considered necessary that they know each other well before marriage and love is scarcely a consideration.

Chapter 12. Gender, Sex, and Sexuality

When a meeting is arranged, following an exchange of photographs and a resume, it is not a meeting that may be followed by dates. Rather, it is a meeting to answer the question, "Am I going to marry this person? The vast majority of daters are unmarried, and most studies of dating have used samples of college students who are more diverse than in the past, and are more like the general population than a group of social elites.

However, it is not necessarily the route to couplehood in all societies. David Newman draws a distinction between individualist cultures In collectivist cultures such as China, young people especially in the larger cities may "go out" together, but this is probably courtship rather than dating, because their coupling has been prearranged and the goal of marriage is fixed.

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